Mammalian Ecology and Conservation Lab (MECL)

Field and Lab Equipment

Field equipment:

We use necessary field equipment for data collection in the field, mainly including

  • Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Spotting Scope
  • Motion-triggered Camera Traps

Radio-telemetry equipment:

Radio-telemetry apparatus we have received from “1StopBorneo Wildlife” an international organization based in Malaysia working for Wildlife Conservation. This equipment is particularly obtained for conducting radio-telemetry studies on Indian pangolin, for determining its home range. In this apparatus, the radio-transmitters are attached to the dorsal side scales of Indian pangolin which emit signals which are tracked using a receiver. The antenna of the apparatus helps in locating and tracking the signals emitted by the tag / transmitter attached to the pangolin. The beep of the receiver helps to move in the direction and follow the tagged animal, the pangolin going ahead.

Major Lab apparatus:

Being used include light microscopes, centrifuges, Water bath, heating oven, slide warmer, Microtome, wax Dispenser, Dissection apparatus, refrigerator, deep freezer (sample storage)

Lab Chemicals:

For food habits investigation of mammalian species (Scat analysis), light microscopy, sample storage (formalin, ethanol, etc.) are also available in the lab