Faculty & Staff
Dr. Muhammad Javaid Asad
Professor (HEC Approved Supervisor)
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Email : [email protected]
Address : University Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (UIBB) , PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Shamsabad, Murree Road Rawalpindi
Work Experience : 15 Year(s)
Research Interest :
  • Industrial Biotechnology
  • Fermentation Biotechnology
  • Enzymology
  • Total Publications : 60
    Publications (Latest Ten)
    1. Syed, F., K.Ali, M.J.Asad, M. Gul Raz, Z. Khan, M. Imran, R. Taj and A. Ahmad.2016. Preparation and characterization of a green nano-support for the covalent immobilization of glucoamylase from Neurospora sitophila. J. Photochem. Photobiol; B: Biol.162:309-317.

    2. Imran,M., Z. Anwar, M. Irshad, M.J.Asad and H.Ashfaq.2016. Cellulase Production from Species of Fungi and Bacteria from agricultural wastes and its utilization in Industry; a Review. Adv. Enz. Res.4:44-55.

    3. Ghani,R.A., N.A.Khattak, M. Saqlain, M.J.Asad, A.Khanum, S.M.S.Naqvi and G. K. Raja. 2016.Comparision of the Common Immunogenic Protein Components of Pasteurella multocida Serotypes B:2 and B:3,4.J.Vet.Med.22(4):485-491.DOI:10.9775/kvfd.2015.14674.

    4. Syed,F., M.J.Asad, K.Ali, M.Gulfraz, A.Ahmad,Z.Khan, M.Imran, R.Taj and S.Khan. 2016.Optimization of Various Parameters for Maximum Production of Glucoamylaseby Neurosporo sitophila.Asian.J.Chem:28.(3);669-674.

    5. Ali,Ali., M. Shoaib, M.Usman, S.Aziz, M. Ilyas, M. J. Asad, M.Zafar , M. M. Zafar and S. Nazir.2016. Screening and Frequency of HBV, HCV and HIV in Intravenous and Non-Intravenous Drug Users in Different Areas of Pakistan. W. J. Zool., 11 (1): 06-13.

    6. M.Shoaib, M. J. Asad, S. Aziz, M. Usman, A.Rehman, M. M.Zafar and M.Ilyas.2016 Prevalence of Pathogenic Microorganisms in Drinking Water of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. W. J. Fish. Marine Scie., 8 (1): 14-21.

    7. Iqbal,H., M. Shoaib, M. U. S. Aziz, M. A. Yousaf, M. J. Asad, N. I. Raja, M. M. Zafar and S. Nazir. In vitro Study: Suppression of LDL Oxidation Using Green Leafy Vegetable Leaves. Ameri-Eura J. Agri. Environ. Sci., 2016. 16 (2): 380-384.

    8. M. N. Aslam, T. Mukhtar, M. Ashfaq, M. J. Asad and M. A. Hussain. Incidence and prevalence of bacterial wilt ofchili in Punjab, Pakistan. Mycopathology. 2015. 13(1): 37-41.

    9. R. T. Mahmood, M. J. Asad, M. Asgher, M. Gulfraz, T. Mukhtar and M. Akram. Study of disperse dyes biodegradation and lignolytic enzymes production potential of indigenous Coniophora puteana IBL-01, a brown rot fungi. Adv. Envir. Bio. 2015.

    10. Munir, N., M. J. Asad and S. H. Haidri. 2015. Production, Purification and Characterization of Endopolygalacturonase by Bacillus subtillus. Biochem. Anal. Biochem. 4:181. DOI:10.4172/2161-1009.1000181.

    University Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology