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S. Ali, Y. Hafeez, S. Hussain, S. Yang & M. Jamal (2021)
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S. Ali, Y. Hafeez, M. A. Abbas, M. Aqib, A. Nawaz (2021) Enabling remote learning system for virtual personalized preferences during COVID-19 pandemic", Multimedia Tools and Applications, An International Journal, Springer, Date of Published Online: August 17, 2021, DOI (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-11414-w) Publisher: Springer Nature, Impact Factor 2.757.
S. Ali, Y. Hafeez, M. Humayun, N. S. M. Jamail, M. Aqib, A.
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S. Ali, Y. Hafeez, S. Asghar, A. Nawaz & S. Saeed (2020) "
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S. Ali, Y. Hafeez, N. Z. Jhanjhi, M. Humayun, M. Imran, A.
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S. Ali, Y. Hafeez, S. Hussain & S. Yang (2020) " Enhanced
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