Qureshi, S. T., M. Fiaz, M. I. Khan, K. Ishaq, T. Ahmad, M. Shakeel, M. Yaqoob, M.
Aslam, I. H. Jo (2020). Effect of probiotic and varying dietary protein levels in creep feed
on growth performance of Salt Range lambs. Pakistan Journal of Science, 72(3): 198-
Shakeel, M., M. Nawaz, Z. Naseer, M. Fiaz, A. Khan, M. I. Khan, A. Rehman, A. Y.
Qamar and A. Raza (2020). Caprine and Ovine Serological Evidence of Brucellosis in
Five Districts of Punjab, Pakistan. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. 36(4): 1040-1046.
Iqbal, M., F. A. Shaheen, M. Husain, Z. Shaheen, M. Fiaz (2020). Cramming the effect
of Entomopathogenic fungi and Entomopathogenic Bacteria against Callosobruchus
chinensis in chickpea grains stored in bags for longer duration. Environmental Science
and Pollution Research. (Submitted & Under Review)
Jo Ik-Hwan, Choi Kwang-Won, Muhammad Yaqoob and Muhammad Fiaz (2020). Effect
of Varying Animal Manure Levels on Forage Productivity and Organic Hanwoo Cattle
Carrying Capacity through Growing Triticale mixed with Legumes. Tropical Animal
Health and Production. (Submitted and under review).
Yowook Song, Muhammad Fiaz, Dong Woo Kim, Jeongtae Kim and Chan Ho Kwon
(2019). Increasing forage yield and effective weed control of corn-soybean mixed forage
for livestock through using by different herbicides. Journal of Animal Science and
Technology 2019;61(4):185-191.
Ghadir Hussain, Kashif Ishaq, Mazhar Qayyum, Muhammad Mushtaq, Asim Faraz,
Memoona Nasir, Tanveer Ahmad, Tooba Ahmad and Muhammad Fiaz (2019).
Optimizing the Dietary Fiber Levels in Live Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Added
Grower Ration in Goat Kids Reared under High Input Feeding System. Investigation of
Women Photography in Post- Revolutionary Iran. Peer Res Nest. 2019 - 1(3).
Iqbal, M., F.A. Shaheen, A. R. Bhatti, A. Zia, I. Bodlah, F. Naz, and M. Fiaz (2018).
Effectiveness of Photorhabdus temperate and Xenorhabdus nematophila against
Callosorbruchus chinensis attacking stored chick pea grains. Pak. Entomol., 40(2): 95-
103. (Category Y journal)
Iqbal, M., F.A. Shaheen, F. Naz, M.U. Raja, M. Fiaz and M. Nadeem (2018).
Management of callosobruchus chinensis l. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in stored chickpea
grains by using entomopathogenic fungi. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research,
31(4): 408-418. (category Y journal).
Naseer, Z., E Ahmad, HS Sahiner, ET Epikmen, M Fiaz (2018). Dietary quercetin
maintains the semen quality in rabbits under summer heat stress. Theriogenology 122
Khan, M.I., M. Younas, M.Q. Bilal, M.S.U. Rehman, M. Fiaz, N. Anjum, M. Yaqoob and
M. Shakeel (2018). Assessment of livestock extension services on dairy farm's
productivity. Pakistan Journal of Science, 70(2): 131-138.