Faculty & Staff
Dr. Syeda Maryam Hussain
Assistant Professor (TTS) (HEC Approved Supervisor)

Ph.D. (Animal Production and Quality, Brazil)
Department of Livestock Production & Management
Phone : +92-51-9292159  
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Email : [email protected]
Address : Assistant Professor (Livestock production and management), Room # S-10, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, PMAS-Arid Agricultural University
Work Experience : 7 Year(s)
Research Interest :
  • Animal welfare and behaviour
  • Animal toxicity / heterogeneous Photo-sensitization
  • Dairy value chain
  • Mitigating greenhouse gases and methane emission by SF technique
  • Total Publications : 13
    Publications (Latest Ten)
    1. Springer Nature Book chapter on Camel Good Housing in Dromedary Camel Behavior and Welfare - Camel friendly Management Practices

    2. Muhammad Atif Raza, Muhammad Tariq Javed, Muhammad Fiaz, Muhammad Shakeel, Muhammad Shahbaz Ul Haq, Amna Kanwal, Syeda Maryam Hussain, Muhammad Zubair Siddiqi. Antibacterial effect of zinc oxide and copper oxide nanoparticles as substitute of antibiotics against fowl typhoid in broilers. Pakistan Journal of Zoology.

    3. Vegetation Choice and Browsing Behavior of Camels in Different Management Conditions. A. Faraz, S. M. Hussain, A. Passantino and M. Pugliese. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (2022) Vol. 4 (2) 105-108.

    4. Hematological profile of Marecha camel (camelus dromedarius) reared in semi- intensive management system. A. Faraz, N. A. Tauqir, H. M. Ishaq, S. M. Hussain, et al. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 32(6): 2022, Page: 1590-1597. ISSN: 2309-8694. https://doi.org/10.36899/JAPS.2022.6.0568.

    5. Haematological and Biochemical Profile of Extensive Kept Male Barela (Camelus dromedarius) Camel during Breeding and Non-Breeding Season. Asim Faraz, N. A. Tauqir, A. Waheed, H. M. Ishaq, S. M. Hussain, R. H. Mirza, R. M. Bilal, M. A. Akbar and M. S. Nabeel. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. DOI | https://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.sja/2022/38.4.1184.1188.

    6. Back Fat Layer Measurements by Ultra-sonography in Camels - A Tool for Measuring the General Health Status. Asim Faraz, Syeda Maryam Hussain, Annamaria Passantino and Michela Pugliese. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences. DOI: 10.31080/ASVS.2022.04.0270 . (Dec. 2021) Vol. 4 (1) 34-37 (India).

    7. Use of Camel Botox in Beauty Pageant. Muhammad Younas, Abdul Raziq Kakar, Asim Faraz, Saira Iftikhar and Syeda Maryam Hussain. Perspective Article, International Journal of Camel Science, 2021, 3: 47-53 (Pakistan).

    8. Proceedings of 02 days International Camel Conference on "Role Of Camel In Food Security Under Climate Change Context". International Journal of Camel Science. ISSN 2789-6358. http://camelscience.net/wp- content/uploads/2021/12/Abstract-Book-ICC-AAUR.pdf. (Pakistan).

    9. Back Fat Layer Measurements by Ultra-sonography in Camels - A Tool for Measuring the General Health Status. A. Faraz, S. M. Hussain, A. Passantino and M. Pugliese. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences. DOI: 10.31080/ASVS.2022.04.0270 . (Dec. 2021) Vol. 4 (1) 34-37.

    10. Screening of cucumber (Cucumis sativus l.) Cultivars against southern root knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita (kofoid and white) chitwood. Ifra Siddique, Ishrat Naz, Raja Asad Ali Khan, Musharaf Ahmed, Syeda Maryam Hussain. Bangladesh Journal of Botany (Bangladesh). 0253-5416. International. 49(3): 579-584. https://doi.org/10.3329/bjb.v49i3.49642. 2020 .