Faculty & Staff
Dr. Ghulam Qadir

(HEC Approved Supervisor)

Department of Agronomy
Phone : +92-51-4426318
Mobile : +92-333-5101301
Fax :
Email : [email protected]
Address : Department of Agronomy, PMAS- Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Murree Road Rawalpin
Work Experience : 15 Year(s)
Research Interest :
  • Stress physiology and dry land agro management to combat the drought in economic profile.
  • Crop production and technology Specially oil seed crops
  • Seed production technology
  • Total Publications : 20
    Publications (Latest Ten)
    1. Qadir. G., S.Ahmad, F.U.Hassan and M.A.Cheema. 2006. "Oil and Fatty acid accumulationin sunflower as influenced by temperature variation". Pak.J.Botany. Vol.38(4):1137-1147.

    2. Qadir. G and F.U.Hassan . 2006. "Qualitative comparison of wheat cultivars under rainfed conditions". Int.J.Biol& Biotech. 3(2):407-409.

    3. Qadir. G., S.Ahmad and F.U.Hassan.2006. "Growing degree days and yield relationship in sunflower". Int.J.Agri&Biology. 9(4) 564-568.

    4. Malik, A.,.F.U.Hassan, A.Waheed and G.Qadir.2006.Interactive effects of irrigation and phosphorus on green Gram (Vigna Radiata L.). Pak. J. Botany. Vol.38 (4): 1119-1126.

    5. Qadir. G., M.A.Cheema, F.U.Hassan.M.Ashraf and M.A.Wahid. 2007. "Relationship of heat units accumulation and fatty acid composition in sunflower".PakJ.Agri.Sci.44(1-2),24-29.

    6. Hassan.F., A.Manaf,G.Qadir and Shahzad.M.A.Basra. 2007. Effect of sulphur on seed yield,oil, protein and Glucosinolates of Canola Cultivars. Int.J.Agri&Biology.9 (3)504-508.

    7. Hassan.F.,S.A.Hakeem, A.Manaf, G.Qadir and S.Ahmad.2007. Response of sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.) to sulphur and seasonal variations. Int.J.Agri&Biology.9(3)499-503.

    8. Ahmad.N., F.U.Hassan and G.Qadir.2007. Effect of subsurface soil compaction and improvement measures on soil properties. Int.J.Agri&Biology.9 (3)509-513.

    9. Gufraz. M., G. Kukab,G.Qadir,S.Mahmood and A.Khanum.2007. Phytochemical constituents of Berberis lyceum Royle and Justica adhotada Vasica. J.of the chemical society of Pakistan.