Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences


The department of Veterinary Basic Science was established in 2006. This department comprises of three basic Veterinary Science fields (Veterinary Anatomy, Veterinary Histology, Veterinary Physiology & Veterinary Pharmacology). Our department is making instructional efforts in teaching the basic know how of Veterinary Science as well as research. It is providing necessary knowledge of the normal animal body functions and basic concepts regarding the pharmacology of drugs in veterinary practice to the students pursuing basic degree in veterinary science. The research activities have been focused on problems of practical importance such as problems related to molting of spent birds, hormonal profile of chicken under different environmental and stress conditions, endocrine disruptor chemical studies and chemical toxicity studies.


Department Mission

The mission of Veterinary Basic Science Department is to advance the understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology of animal through fundamental and applied research, education, and services. We provide opportunities for outstanding learning, world-class research, and active engagement with the community, in order to improve animal health. Faculty members and students will advance understanding of, and make a positive impact on a broad range of health challenges.


Our department comprises of anatomists, physiologists, and pharmacists. We apply our knowledge to study animal movement, structure and function throughout the life cycle, in health and disease, in benign and extreme environments, at work, at home, at sports and at play.


Our educational goals are to impart a sound knowledge, understanding of basic phenomenon and to promote critical thinking, problem solving, and research skills appropriate to the field through our continuing study programs.


Future Planning & Areas of Expansion

The Department of Veterinary Basic Science is working to find out / identify endocrine disruptive chemicals those effect public as well as animal health. Our basic focus is on chemical toxicity especially pesticides and chemicals used in plastic industry. Also we are working to find out the effect of these chemicals (disruptors) on DNA damage. Another area of interest in our department is to find out some excellent ways to induce molting in spent layers and to increase the egg production of laying hens.

Depatment of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences
Phone #: +92-51-9290115
Mobile #: +92-300-6627259