B.Ed (Hons)
Eligibility: At least 50% marks in Intermediate or equivalent certificate.
M. Sc (Education)
Description: The requirements to be completed by each student for award of degree of M. Sc (Education) shall be 62 credits for non-thesis students and will comprise 35 credits of core courses, 6 credits of professional courses, 6 for methods of teaching specialization, 6 credits of practical teaching courses and 9 for other courses. The thesis students will have total credits 63 with all courses same as non-thesis group accept 9 credits for other courses which will replace 10 credits for thesis and will not be counted towards calculation of CGPA.
Eligibility: BA/B.Sc. degree or equivalent qualifications with at least 50% marks.
M. Phil (Education)
Description: The duration of the course of degree of M. Phil in Education shall not be less than 4 semesters for whole time student and six semesters for part time students/partial residents, and not more than six semesters and eight semesters respectively. The requirement to be completed by each student for the award of degree shall be 41 credits. These credits will include 31 credits of course work and 10 credits of thesis (not to be counted towards CGPA) based on the approved programs of research. This requirement is excluding the credits required for rectifying course deficiency, if any. All the students in M. Phil degree will be required to pass the Comprehensive Examination after qualification the course work.
Eligibility: M.Sc. or its equivalent qualifications in the relevant field with CGPA not less than 2.50/4.00 or with 50% marks under the Annual System. Must have passed GAT (General) with 50% marks.
Ph. D (Education)
Eligibility: M.S/M.Phil with first division in relevant field OR CGPA of at least 3.00/4.00. The Ph.D. applications must be accompanied by comprehensive project proposals. Must have passed GAT(Subject) with at least 60% marks.