Faculty & Staff
Dr. Rahmatullah Qureshi
Dean (HEC Approved Supervisor)
Phone : +9251-9292117  
Mobile : +92300-6730496  
Fax :
Email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Address : Department of Botany, PMAS- Arid Agriculture University Murree Road Rawalpindi
Work Experience : 20 Year(s)
Research Interest :
  • Plant Taxonomy & Systematics
  • Phytosociology/Biodiversity & Conservation
  • Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants
  • Nutraceutics and Bioactivity guided assessment of plants
  • Total Publications : 201
    Books :
    Publications (Latest Ten)
    1. Ahmed, W., R. Qureshi, M. Munazir, B.Z. Rahim, M. Munir, R. Kousar, M. Maqsood, Q. Abbas, M.F. Qaseem, A.M. Khan, M. Iqbal and M.I. Bhatti. 2019. Diversity and distribution of flora in Murree-Kotli Sattian-Kahuta National Park, Pakistan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(4): 9621-9650 (Impact Factor: 0.74).

    2. Shaheen, H., D. Potter, M.F. Qaseem and R. Qureshi. 2019. Heliotropium pakistanicum sp. nov. (Boraginaceae) from Pakistan. Planta Daninha, 37: 1-7, DOI: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/pd/v37/0100-8358-PD-37-e019175697.pdf (Impact Factor: 0.791).

    3. Khan, A.M., R. Qureshi and Z. Saqib. 2019. Multivariate analyses of the vegetation of the western Himalayan forests of Muzaffarabad District, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. Ecological Indicators, 104: 723-736 (Impact Factor: 4.490).

    4. Qaseem, M.F., R. Qureshi and H. Shaheen. 2019. Effects of pre-anthesis drought, heat and their combination on the growth, yield and physiology of diverse wheat (Triticum aestium) genome varying in sensitivity to heat and drought stress. Scientific Report, 9: 6955| https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43477-z. (Impact Factor: 4.011).

    5. Munir, M., R. Qureshi, M. Bibib and A.M. Khan. 2019. Pharmaceutical aptitude of Cladophora: A comprehensive review. Algal Research, 39: 101476. (Impact Factor: 3.723).

    6. Qaseem, M.F., R. Qureshi, H. Shaheen and N. Shafqat. 2019. Genome-wide association analyses for yield and yield-related traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)under pre-anthesis combined heatand drought stress in field conditions. PLOS ONE, 14(3): e0213407 https://doi.org/10.137 1/journal.pone.0213407. (Impact Factor: 2.762).

    7. Qaseem, M.F., R. Qureshi, M.S. Amjad, W. Ahmed, A. Masood and H. Shaheen. 2019. Ethno-botanical evaluation of indigenous flora from the communities of Rajh Mehal and Goi union councils of District Kotli, Azad Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(2): 2799-2829. (Impact Factor: 0.74).

    8. Wasim A., R. Qureshi and M. Arshad. 2019. Floristic, frequency and vegetatio-biological spectra of Murree-Kotli Sattian-Kahuta National Park, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 51(2): 539-550 DOI: 10.30848/PJB2019-2(20) (Impact Factor: 0.75).

    9. Qureshi, R. 2018. Medicinal uses of trees and shrubs by the inhabitants of Nara Desert, Pakistan. In: Plant and Human Health, Volume 1: Ethnobotany and Physiology (Editors: Ozturk, M. & K. R. Hakeem), Springer International Publishing AG, Springer Nature, pp. 391-407. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93997-1_10.

    10. Munir, M. and R. Qureshi. 2018. Antidiabetic plants of Pakistan. In: Plant and Human Health, Volume 1: Ethnobotany and Physiology (Editors: Ozturk, M. & K. R. Hakeem), Springer International Publishing AG, Springer Nature, pp. 463-547. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93997-1_13.

    Depatment of Botany