Ahmed, W., R. Qureshi, M. Munazir, B.Z. Rahim, M. Munir, R. Kousar, M. Maqsood, Q. Abbas, M.F. Qaseem, A.M. Khan, M. Iqbal and M.I. Bhatti. 2019. Diversity and distribution of flora in Murree-Kotli Sattian-Kahuta National Park, Pakistan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(4): 9621-9650 (Impact Factor: 0.74).
Shaheen, H., D. Potter, M.F. Qaseem and R. Qureshi. 2019. Heliotropium pakistanicum sp. nov. (Boraginaceae) from Pakistan. Planta Daninha, 37: 1-7, DOI: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/pd/v37/0100-8358-PD-37-e019175697.pdf (Impact Factor: 0.791).
Khan, A.M., R. Qureshi and Z. Saqib. 2019. Multivariate analyses of the vegetation of the western Himalayan forests of Muzaffarabad District, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. Ecological Indicators, 104: 723-736 (Impact Factor: 4.490).
Qaseem, M.F., R. Qureshi and H. Shaheen. 2019. Effects of pre-anthesis drought, heat and their combination on the growth, yield and physiology of diverse wheat (Triticum aestium) genome varying in sensitivity to heat and drought stress. Scientific Report, 9: 6955| https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43477-z. (Impact Factor: 4.011).
Munir, M., R. Qureshi, M. Bibib and A.M. Khan. 2019. Pharmaceutical aptitude of Cladophora: A comprehensive review. Algal Research, 39: 101476. (Impact Factor: 3.723).
Qaseem, M.F., R. Qureshi, H. Shaheen and N. Shafqat. 2019. Genome-wide association analyses for yield and yield-related traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)under pre-anthesis combined heatand drought stress in field conditions. PLOS ONE, 14(3): e0213407 https://doi.org/10.137 1/journal.pone.0213407. (Impact Factor: 2.762).
Qaseem, M.F., R. Qureshi, M.S. Amjad, W. Ahmed, A. Masood and H. Shaheen. 2019. Ethno-botanical evaluation of indigenous flora from the communities of Rajh Mehal and Goi union councils of District Kotli, Azad Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(2): 2799-2829. (Impact Factor: 0.74).
Wasim A., R. Qureshi and M. Arshad. 2019. Floristic, frequency and vegetatio-biological spectra of Murree-Kotli Sattian-Kahuta National Park, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 51(2): 539-550 DOI: 10.30848/PJB2019-2(20) (Impact Factor: 0.75).
Qureshi, R. 2018. Medicinal uses of trees and shrubs by the inhabitants of Nara Desert, Pakistan. In: Plant and Human Health, Volume 1: Ethnobotany and Physiology (Editors: Ozturk, M. & K. R. Hakeem), Springer International Publishing AG, Springer Nature, pp. 391-407. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93997-1_10.
Munir, M. and R. Qureshi. 2018. Antidiabetic plants of Pakistan. In: Plant and Human Health, Volume 1: Ethnobotany and Physiology (Editors: Ozturk, M. & K. R. Hakeem), Springer International Publishing AG, Springer Nature, pp. 463-547. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93997-1_13.