Bachelor's in Business Administration (BBA 4-years) |
"To impart the basic entrepreneurial and business skills in students that can help them to make their carriers and to build further insights. Also to develop strong communication and interpersonal skills that can help them to make successful in their professional life" |
Duration: A minimum of eight semesters duration programme after intermediate or equivalent. |
Admission eligibility:
Specializations / Major Offered:
Master's in Business Administration (MBA - 3½ years)
"We aim at developing professionals equipped with analytical, managerial, entrepreneurial and problem solving skills by teaching theoretical background and practical insights of corporations and various businesses. We believe in confidence building, personality development and innovation to cope up challenges of work life" |
Duration: A minimum of seven semesters duration programme after Bachelor degree (14 years of education) or equivalent. |
Admission eligibility:
The following requirements need to be met to acquire admission in MBA 3-1/2 Professional Degree Program.
Specializations / Major Offered:
MBA Agri-Business (3½ years) |
"To serve agriculture sector and related industries by creating passionate, skilled and competent individuals who can identify problems, suggest solutions and give new dimensions to agribusiness in efficient, effective and creative manner". |
Duration: A minimum of seven semesters duration programme after Bachelor degree (14 years of education) or equivalent. |
Admission eligibility: The following requirements need to be met to acquire admission in MBA – Agri-Business Program. Stream I: To be placed in the 1st semester
Stream II: To be placed in 5th semester (Minimum duration of degree is 1½ years)
Master's in Business Administration (MBA - 1½ years) |
"We aim at developing professionals equipped with analytical, managerial, entrepreneurial and problem solving skills by teaching theoretical background and practical insights of corporations and various businesses. We believe in confidence building, personality development and innovation to cope up challenges of work life". |
Duration: A minimum of three semesters duration programme after Bachelor of Business Administration Programme (16 years of education). |
Admission eligibility:
The following requirements need to be met to acquire admission in MBA 1 - 1/2 years Program.
Specializations / Major Offered:
MS (Management Sciences) 1-1/2 years (Evening) |
"We aim at developing professionals equipped with analytical, managerial, entrepreneurial and problem solving skills by teaching theoretical background and practical insights of corporations and various businesses. We believe in confidence building, personality development and innovation to cope up challenges of work life". |
Duration: A minimum of three semesters duration programme after Bachelor of Business Administration/ Programme / commerce (16 years of education). |
Admission eligibility:
MS (Management Sciences) program is offered only to the students who fulfill the following minimum eligibility criteria. Minimum requirements for MS in Management Sciences Programs are as follows: