d) Horticultural Crops
Horticulture section is one of the attractive disciplines at the farm. The section is actively involved in uplift of the community in terms of human resource development through applied research and training in fruits, vegetables, floriculture, ornamental plants, medicinal plant production and landscaping.
Moreover, the Horticulture section has well furnished solar tunnel, glass and green houses which are proving to be demonstration unit to the farmers. Orchards at farm include grapes, olive, citrus, peach, falsa, fig, apricot and locat. Horticulture section is also growing seasonal vegetables both with irrigation and without irrigation under rainfed conditions. This provides opportunity for research demonstration as well as revenue generation for the farm. All the demonstration and extension services are being provided free of cost to the local community. URF, Koont in future aims to start short courses for farmers of the region regarding high value horticultural crops, and a certified nursery of fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants to provide the health planting material to the farmers.

Tomato crop in chinese solar tunnel

Tomato picking by Pro-vc

English vegetables in an open field

English vegetables in an open field

Olive orchard

Raddish at picking stage

Media talk by Dr. Tanveer Hussain regarding english vegetable nursey preparation

English vegetable nursey ready for transplantation

Grapes at neat to maturity stage

Olive picking by Pro-VC, chairman horticulture and management farm

Citrus fruit

Appricort fruit

Fig fruit

Falsa fruit